Sonic Pattern and the Textility of Code was a series of talks and performative events, exploring the relationship between pattern, mathematics, textiles, notation, generative music, and code.
Co-curated with Alex McLean (University of Leeds), the project brought together a diverse range of artists, textile makers, live coders, to discuss diverse viewpoints on weaving, knitting, live coding, dyadic mathematics, generative music and digital making, in order to see how patterned sound and threads allow us to both sense the abstract and conceptualize the tactile. Sessions were moderated by musician and author David Toop and Bronac Ferran (Royal College of Art, London).
The project was a collaboration between the Craft Council, ICSRiM (School of Music, University of Leeds), the Thursday Club (Goldsmiths), V&A Museum Digital Futures, and the Live Coding Research Network. Made possible through funding and support by the Crafts Council, Sound and Music, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and the Centre for Creative Collaboration.